What is Untapped Sound? Well, considering how narrow the field is when it comes to music that winds up on the radio for us to listen to day in and day out, the untapped sound is the music that isn’t on that field. It can be niche music in a genre that just isn’t radio-bound. It could be music that is of a genre that hasn’t hit Billboard yet. Perhaps it’s music made by artists that are amazingly talented and sometimes have their own following, but many people don’t know about them, because they aren’t mainstream. This is what we’re talking about when we call any music or musician “untapped”.
Just because you’re not on the radio doesn’t mean you aren’t successful. Some of these people can fill up stadiums and concert halls, and yet you won’t often find their music on the radio.

Mainstream music and radio have fiercely guarded gateways. It’s only been recently that more and more people are breaking into the Billboard charts from social media, and I will have an article that covers “discovery”, but what blew my mind was the number of truly talented and hard-working performers out there that I had never heard of.
I’m over 40 and I love music. I would have previously thought of myself as an audiophile. But by gaming and listening to my children and their friends, I’ve been introduced to an entire realm of artists that are not on the radio. I wanted to share my love of their music here, with you. I could never possibly showcase every single untapped performer out there. So, I’m choosing from a sampling of them and I’ll continue to post more as I get requests or suggestions.
Also, have you ever been looking into one subject, like – an artist that is also listed as a producer – and begin questioning something else – like, “what IS a producer anyway?” Well, that’s how I started writing other articles for this website – I answered my own questions. I’ve expanded my own knowledge of the industry by researching and then writing articles based on that research. Now, I’m sharing them with you. I hope you take the time to explore the website and read them.
I’m using the information I can find out there and sometimes even interview questions I have asked the artists to build profiles for them on our website and I’m including links to all of their social media sites and recent works. We also write articles about our favorite artist picks each month.
So – ONWARD! – into the world of Untapped Music!
We have also been working on other projects as well to expand our ability to help people. Our newest project is an outdoor website called Backyard Boosts. If you get a chance drop by there and let us know what you think.